Frequently Asked Questions

- Can we do the Intensive Intervention only 1-2 days a week? Or after school?
No, clinical research evidence has shown effective treatment programs require a fresh mind and intensity of treatment. After school treatment does not yield optimal results because the child is already tired after a full day of academics. Studies have shown that these programs require carefully designed daily repetitive therapy to actually create and strengthen the neural pathways of the brain needed for reading and phonological processing.
- How do families manage the 6- to 9-week absence from school?
Usually families arrange with their school to take a leave of absence, and make the necessary arrangements with the principal and teacher at their school. We’d be happy to put you in touch with some families who have completed our program to ask them directly how they structured the absence. Usually the first step involves talking to the principal about your decision to pursue the Intensive Intervention and to ask about their policies of flexibility in such situations.
- Is it better to wait until summer to do enroll in the Intensive Intervention?
That is a family choice. Some students need a real break after struggling incredibly through the school year. Depending on the age of the child and the severity of their dyslexia, they may be absorbing so little in class that it is optimal to pull them out and tackle the intervention during the school year. We would be happy to discuss the pros and cons in a complimentary consultation.
- How much does the Intensive Intervention cost? Does Wellington-Alexander Center accept insurance?
The cost of Intensive Intervention varies depending on the number of hours per day, the number of weeks, and which therapy services are required. We do not accept insurance, but can provide all necessary documentation for you to submit to your insurance provider for any potential reimbursement to which you may be entitled.
- Why is transitional support necessary?
It is easy to fall back on old habits and strategies when tired and stressed. We all do it. In order to avoid this pitfall, our academic liaison coordinates with the school to help your child’s teacher know what accommodations will be helpful for your child. Typically, nine to ten weeks of transitional support, including two to four hours of after school support for your child and weekly progress reporting and communication with the teacher, will solidify and generalize the new skills to the school environment.